Monday, August 08, 2011

Scott Pilgrim.

Size: M
Where: Oni Press booth at New York Comic Con
Why: No why. It's Scott Pilgrim. I wanted a Scott Pilgrim shirt.

Comment: As I've said before, when I buy a shirt from a show/book/movie/whatever, my tastes run much more toward the something-you'd-find-existing-in-that-world shirts (like the quidditch ones) than the normal name-and-logo-type shirts (though I've obviously made exceptions to this before). I remember one of my main missions for last year's NYCC was to find a Scott Pilgrim shirt, preferably of a "diegetic" quality - I was sure I'd seen some "The Clash at Demonhead" or "Crash and the Boys" shirts online at one time or another - and something with some Bryan Lee O'Malley art. This shirt certainly fulfilled the second requirement, and was just generally so cool that I was willing to forgo the first. I suppose I could just pretend like this is the cover of Scott's first solo EP, or something. I imagine it to sound nothing at all like Beck.

I just really love this shirt. And hey! So does Mint!

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