Size: XL
Where: seller on eBay

Why: Originally, this shirt was sent to me from a seller supposedly as an apology for the delay in sending another shirt that I had ordered. I'm not knocking a free bonus, but I did notice that the seller was also selling several of these shirts at the same time s/he was selling the one that I actually bought (not to mention the size of this shirt wasn't even close to the size of the shirt that I had actually ordered, so what exactly was I expected to do with this one?), so I suspect that s/he just had a bunch of these extras laying around and was trying to unload one. Oh well.
Comment: I had, many months ago, promised to get this shirt to Shannon so she could give it to her sister (a big ebtg fan), but the shirt got buried and I forgot. Now that it's been unburied, somebody remind me to get this shirt to Shannon next time we hang out.
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