Size: M
Why: No actual reason. I just thought it was cute. These cats obviously know where the party is.
Comment: These cats actually originate from the elaborate ASCII art popular among users of old school, early-Internet message boards, such as Japan's famous 2ch BBS. You can do a google search or read Densha Otoko / Train Man for some really cool examples. So this trio of cats, who seem to always just pop up wherever the party is (necktie-as-headband? COME ON) are collectively known as "Mona Neko", "Neko" being the Japanese word for cat and "Mona" being short for the Japanese expression "Omae mo na!", which roughly translates to "Same to you, buddy!", a popular expression in Japanese message board flame wars. And adding to the party atmosphere, the katakana on the shirt spells, "Kitaaa!!!!!", which means "YES!" Not as in "yes or no", but more in an "Ohmigod! OHMIGOD! YES! YES!! YES!!!" sort of sense.
There is no other shirt on earth that more clearly conveys the idea that the party is, indeed, over here.
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