Size: L
Where: Gotham Girls Roller Derby
Why: I loved the electric orange color, plus it's the Manhattan team. Where I'm from! Represent! (Do the kids still say that? "Represent"?)
Comment: I got this shirt at a bout between the Bronx Gridlock and the Brooklyn Bombshells that Dagfinn and I went to a few summers back. We had a CRAZY fun time, and I strongly urge everyone to go check it out.

I remember the bout we went to was out in Brooklyn someplace. For a long time the league has been having problems finding places to skate. After a tenure in Brooklyn, I believe they moved up to Harlem for a bit before settling at Hunter College. And now from the looks of it they're back in Brooklyn, at LIU.
The problems they've had finding a place to skate, I think, is indicative of the struggle facing the sport, and these athletes, in general. They've all got a supercool punk, DIY ethic, and they need our support (both moral and financial - they are a non-profit organization that takes donations)...and attendance! Seriously, it is super crazy fun and the only reason more people don't know about it is because more people don't know about it, if that makes any sense.
You can even try out, if you think you've got the stones.
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