Sunday, February 22, 2009


Size: L
Where: Oddica

Why: Just look at it!

Comment: Seriously, just look at it! On design alone this shirt has the potential to be one of THE great all-time t-shirts.

But it's not.

Why, you ask?

It's the shirt itself. First of all, the pale-baby-robin's-egg blue does not look good on me. It doesn't look good on ANYone, unless you're still crawling around on all fours, wearing a diaper, and just now graduating to solid foods. But enough about last night.

Second of all, the shirt is very thin. Like so thin that when you put it on, the shirt changes color. And do you really want to know what pale-baby-robin's-egg blue turns into when you light it from behind with flesh-pink? Do you?

And lastly, perhaps related to its thinness, the shirt wrinkles like a Stanford professor's brow at the sheer edge of the universe. And if you know me, and if you've seen any of the other pictures on this blog, you know I don't care about wrinkles. At all. So it would have to be pretty bad for ME to mention it. Seriously, it wrinkles if you blow on it. It wrinkles if you look too hard it. It's probably wrinkling right now, as you're looking at the pictures.

So yeah: one of the all-time great designs, yes. One of the all-time great shirts, no.

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