Friday, June 25, 2010


Size: M
Where: Teefury

Why: Again, clever/cute Star Wars shirt. Also enjoyed the holiday theme.

Comment: Merry Half-Xmas, everyone! I, of course, wanted to save this shirt until it was more seasonal, but unless I find a new stash of shirts hidden around here somewhere, I'm not gonna get that far (I know I have a whole bunch of band shirts I wore in college that wouldn't fit me anywhere, but I've either since thrown them away or put them in "cold storage").

I love the details on this shirt - did you notice that the "snowflakes" are in fact Imperial insignia? I also love how the artist is able to capture the "expression" on the AT-AT's "face" - especially impressive considering that said "face" consists of a single red bar of windshield.

I also really like the cool, slate blue of the shirt, which really sets off all of the nice whites in the design.

In short, an excellent and beautiful shirt that I can only really wear once a year (or twice, depending on my laundry cycle that week/those weeks).

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