Size: L
Where: Oddica

Why: Oddica has an entire series of "exploded" shirts. I actually wanted the boombox one, but they were out of my size so I ordered this one instead, figuring I would have ordered it eventually anyway.
Comment: I also very much approve of the off-center design, and am thinking that I need many more shirts like this one.
Easter egg.
I remember back in the 90s I was still buying a fair amount of vinyl, and everyone thought I was just being difficult, or was one of those hardcore audiophiles who insisted that vinyl just sounded better. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't - the fact was I was buying a lot of vinyl simply because there were a lot of things that just did not get released on CD. Seriously, if someone can find me this on CD, I will pay you money (btw, it's actually a 10", not a 12").
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