Size: L
Where: Oddica
Why: a) Star Wars, b) clever, c) funny.
Comment: This was actually the shirt for which I was supposed to get a replacement, but wound up having to get the scratching monkey shirt instead. You can't see it in the picture, but the shirt actually shipped with a big hole in one of the sleeve seams.
The Easter eggs on these Oddica shirts are almost always just little detail images of the main graphic, but I really love this one because it actually continues the "story" of the shirt. It's all just
Where are these "Easter eggs" you keep talking about? On the sleeve? On the inside somewhere? Only in your imagination???
The Easter eggs on Oddica shirts can be found on the back, bottom left side of the shirt. If you look at the bottom of this shirt's main picture, you can sort of see where it is.
Not every Oddica shirt has as Easter egg, so if you start randomly pulling at guys' shirts and demanding to see their eggs, I take no responsibility. :D
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