Size: M
Where: Nathanson show at the Nokia Theatre in Times Square last Fall

Why: I loved the bright blue color of the shirt, and the design was bold yet cute
Comment: If you've never been to a Nathanson show, please do. They're indescribably fun. Although this particular gig at the Nokia Theatre was not my favorite that I've been to. Don't get me wrong, the show was great, but the Nokia is just waaay too "slick", if you know what I mean. Like, escalators and neon and guys wearing uniform "slick", the kind of place where nothing is anything so much as it is something brought to you by something else. In capital letters. Like, it wasn't a coat check, it was "Coatcheck by Citicorp". That wasn't the escalator, it was "Escalator by Colgate and Hyundai". That's not a Budweiser you're drinking, that's a "Budweiser by Budweiser, an Anheuser-Busch Company ('Please Drink Responsibly' TM)". In other words, I really missed Irving Plaza.
Oh, and there was this really awkward non-couple standing directly to my left (let's call them "Clingy" and "Douchey") who babbled through the entire show (the gang of four or five girls to my right were much nicer).
I also remember that after the show I went to Jimmy's bar (a block away) and had a beer next to three extremely drunk, extremely loud, smoking hot lesbians. I...learned a lot that night.
Anyway, yeah, the shirt. It's really bright blue with an almost flourescent green design that you wouldn't think would "go", but I think it looks great. I also like how you can't really tell what you're looking at unless you get close (at least, I can't).
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