Size: M
Where: eBay seller
Why: I remember seeing this shirt on the ebtg site a LONG time ago (for very expensive), and have wanted it ever since. When it randomly popped up on eBay (for very cheap), I had to have it.
Comment: This is the shirt that I had actually ordered when a long delay (can't remember why) led the seller to also send me that other ebtg shirt as "apology".
The Katakana reads "ebtg", spelled out phonetically, and as far as I know this was the shirt that was sold through their entire international tour, not just in Japan. So yeah, they're totally exoticizing the Japanese language, and by extension the entire culture -- "Oh look! It's another language! How clever! How cute! Those foreign people certainly are cool because they communicate with such strange symbols!" -- but I can excuse it because...well, I thought the whole barcode thing was kinda cute.
Right sleeve.
Left sleeve.
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