Size: M
Where: Shannon gave me this for Christmas

Why: Shannon and I are total dorks for Ghost Hunters on Sci-Fi Channel. I wouldn't say we're obsessed, we're just wildly enthusiastic.
Comment: Shannon actually went on a ghost hunt with TAPS last summer. Digital recorders and K2 meters and everything. It sounds really fun, and definitely something I need to try someday.
I met Jason and Grant in passing at NY Comic Con a couple years ago. I just looked up, and there they were. I chased them down, shook their hands, told them I was a huge fan, they thanked me, went on their way, and that was it. No time to take out the camera, even. Only recently did I read the book they wrote and learned that Jay has a thing about shaking hands with strangers? I felt instantly honored.
I'm posting this shirt tonight to celebrate the fact that, at long last, a new season of Ghost Hunters begins tonight. For months now we've had nothing but the frankly second-rate Ghost Hunters International, of which Shannon and I are not fans.
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